Woodland Code
The trees and woodlands of Jersey are so beautiful, and so important!
Apart from providing a lovely environment to both admire and relax in, they provide vital oxygen and reduce atmospheric pollution. Also, the roots ÔbindŐ the soil, which prevents erosion, and the trees and woodland provide an abundance of food and shelter for our wildlife.
However, there are problems. Increased property development has greatly reduced space for trees and woodlands. Dutch Elm Disease has been responsible for the death of 200,000 elm trees since first introduced into the Island by a single beetle in the mid 1970Ős! Storms such as the Great Storm in Oct 1987, and an increasing number of people, who seem to have less respect for their environment, have threatened our trees and woodlands.
So what can I do to help?
- Guard against fire risk.
- Shut gates as I pass through.
- Keep to the paths and off slopes to prevent further damage.
- Keep dogs under control, so that wildlife wonŐt be frightened.
- Dispose of litter in a bin. DonŐt leave plastic or glass lying around, as these are dangerous to wildlife (and children!)
- DonŐt pick the plants. They are there both for a purpose, as well as for others to enjoy.
- Keep ponds and streams free from rubbish.
- Ensure that the trees arenŐt damaged (donŐt break branches!)
- Do not disturb birdsŐ nests or remove eggs.
- Keep the peace! Too much noise frightens the wildlife and may disturb others.
- Learn more about the woodlands and their inhabitants!
This article updated: 2004/07/20 11:13:21
......Daily Ditons...... |
Changement d’patuthe fait les vieaux gras.
Change of pasture makes fat calves.