Weather & Tides
We may have the highest average number of sunshine hours in the British Isles, that's not to say that the weather isn't temperemental from time to time.
Normally, St. Helier has nearly 2,000 hours of sunshine per year, the highest average in the British Isles. The island's climate is mild with a mean annual temperature of 11.5 degrees centigrade in winter. During the summer, the average daily temperature is 21.1 degrees.
Weather forecasts are updated every couple of hours, thanks to the Jersey Met Office, and we cover about the next five days of tides, extracted from the tide tables published annually by MSP.
Jersey has some of the largest tides so care should be taken when low water fishing and exploring the seashore. The tide can rise at a rate of two inches per minute. Spring tides are the highest and occur near a new and full moon.
This article updated: 2002/07/03 14:31:42
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