Weather: Today and tomorrow
Daily forecast from the Jersey Meteorological Department.
See also: " " " "
Forecast for Jersey from 6 am today Saturday January 6, 2007 until 6 pm today
Summary: Cloudy with occasional rain and drizzle, and a risk of hill fog patches, clearing later this afternoon.
Max: 12 °C
Visibility: Moderate, occasionally poor or very poor.
Wind: South moderate force 4, veering southwest and increasing strong force 6 by late morning, and strong force 7 for a time in the early afternoon, veering west to northwest, decreasing fresh force 5 by dusk.
Open Sea State: Moderate, with a swell, becoming rather rough by late morning, and rough for a time this afternoon. |
Forecast from 6 pm until 6 am tomorrow Sunday
Weather: Mainly cloudy. Some fair periods developing.
Min: 9 °C
Wind: Northwest to west fresh force 5, backing southwest, increasing strong force 6 later. |
Issued by JerseyMet 07:15 UTC 06/01/07 |