Weather: Today and tomorrow
Daily forecast from the Jersey Meteorological Department.
See also: " " " "
Forecast for Jersey from 6 am today Thursday December 6, 2007 until 6 pm today
Summary: Cloudy with outbreaks of rain, heavy at times, turning to occasional drizzle this afternoon. Very mild.
Max: 14 °C
Visibility: Moderate becoming poor at times.
Wind: Southwest strong force 6 to 7 with gusts to 45 mph.
Open Sea State: Rough. |
Forecast from 6 pm until 6 am tomorrow Friday
Weather: Occasional drizzle then heavier rain, clearing tonight then fair periods and scattered showers.
Min: 11 °C
Wind: Southwest to west strong force 6 or 7 veering west to northwest and increasing strong force 7 to gale force 8 with gusts to 55 mph. |
Issued by JerseyMet 08:15 UTC 06/12/07 |