Primary schools
Each non fee paying primary school accepts children from a specific area of the Island, known as the catchment area.
Children normally attend the primary school in the catchment area in which they live. To register, telephone or write to the primary school giving the child's name, date of birth and address. The Jersey Evening Post publishes a notice to advise parents of registration. By 1st February register your child at your catchment school if he/she is 5 years old between the following September and August. If you wish to apply for a different school then inform the headteacher of your catchment school and apply to your preferred school.
There are two fee paying States primary schools, Jersey College for Girls Preparatory School and for boys, Victoria College Preparatory School. Both schools accept nominations for entry from birth onwards.
A list of primary schools is available from the Department od Education, Sport and Culture, , or by clicking on the Education website below.
related website: http://www.education.gov.je
This article updated: 2007/01/09 10:19:15
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Royalist resistance at Elizabeth Castle ended in 1651 after Cromwell's gunners blew up the defenders' gunpowder supplies with a 40lb mortar shell. |