School days in Jersey
The Education Service aims to provide high quality learning and leisure opportunities for the people of Jersey.
There is a wide range of schools and the provision is very high. Full time compulsory education begins at the start of the term during which children have their 5th birthday. They must remain in school until 30th June of the year they turn 16. The States of Jersey operates 23 non-fee paying primary schools, four non-fee paying secondary schools for pupils aged 11-16, and one non fee paying school for pupils aged 14-18 years. Additionally, there are two fee paying primary schools and two fee paying secondary schools in the States sector.
There are seven private primary schools and three private secondary schools. Four schools in the Island cater to children with special needs. However, each secondary school and some primary schools make additional provisions for children with particular needs.
Sixth form education is available for pupils in five schools - Hautlieu (non-fee paying), Jersey College for Girls, Victoria College, Beaulieu Convent and De La Salle College - all fee paying. Students entering Jersey at this phase of their education must contact the Department of Education, Sport and Culture to determine their eligibility.
If you have just arrived in the Island and you have school age children, contact the Education Department to confirm enrolment arrangements and to determine your catchment area school.
Telephone: ; Fax .
Upon enrolment, bring in your children's school reports and samples of their work. Also make sure their inoculations are up to date.
School Hours
School hours vary but, in general, classes are held between 8:30am and 3:15pm.
Hot lunches are not normally provided but some secondary schools have canteens.
The Environment and Public Services Department operates the school bus service, which serves certain schools. For more information, contact the school that your child will attend or Public Services, telephone , fax .
Out of School
Some schools offer after school clubs. For more information, contact your child's school.
Pre-school Services
An information pack on all day care services is available from the Department of Education, Sport and Culture, telephone ; fax . If more information is needed, contact the Manager of Day Care Services, Education Department at .
Holiday Play Schemes
These schemes are provided in the Easter and Summer school holidays. For further information or to obtain an application form telephone .
Parenting Support Services
Regular courses on offer that address the needs of parents of children from 0-19 years. For further information telephone .
related website: States Education Department
related telephone:
This article updated: 2004/07/20 12:12:49
......Daily Ditons...... |
A tcherpentchi tout l’monde dolent.
Every carpenter thinks he’s the best craftsman.