
Autumn Term 2006
How do I apply for a course?
Just download complete the application form and send it, with your payment where applicable, to Highlands College Student Application, Philip Mourant Centre, Rue Asplet, Trinity . If you are paying by credit card, you may fax your form to us . If you fax your application, please do not post the original form to confirm. Photocopies of the form are also accepted. For certain vocational courses it may be necessary for you to meet with the course tutor for a short interview before your application can be processed. If this is the case, you will be contacted to arrange a suitable time.
Who do I make the cheque payable to?
Cheques should be made out to the Treasurer of the States. If you are applying for more than one course please enclose separate cheques for each. This will enable us to return fees for courses that are already full and still process other applications without delay. Alternatively you may pay by MasterCard, Visa or Maestro by filling out the required card details.
Can I pay the course fee by instalments or by post-dated cheque?
Unfortunately, no. You will not have your application confirmed until payment is received in full. Remember payment can be made via credit card, cheque, postal order or, if applying in person, in cash.
What do my course fees pay for?
We try to make our course details explicit so you know what you are paying for and whether there may be additional costs. All Adult Education course fees include your tuition and a registration fee. They may also include a contribution towards the cost of demonstration materials, venue rental, handouts, models, equipment or exams. Books, uniforms and materials, eg flowers or cooking ingredients, may also need to be purchased. Vocational course fees include tuition and occasionally equipment, materials and registration. If you need further clarification please contact the relevant area.
What if my employer is going to pay for my course?
Once you have completed the front of the application form, you must ask your employer or whoever is responsible for authorising the payment to complete the reverse of the application form.
Am I entitled to a fee concession?
Fee concessions are only available on courses marked with a ©. If by the date of commencement of these courses you are aged 60 you pay only half the course fee. The registration fee and any additional fees are paid in full. If you are registered with Social Security as unemployed or receiving incapacity allowance you may also receive reduced fees. Only one course per term will be offered on this basis. Please complete the application form, tick the appropriate fee concession box and return the form without any fees. In cases of extreme financial hardship please contact the Programme Manager . PLEASE NOTE THAT FEE CONCESSIONS ARE NOT AVAILABLE ON SOME SPECIALIST ADULT EDUCATION COURSES OR ON ANY VOCATIONAL COURSE .
How do I obtain more details about a course?
Our descriptions are fairly explicit, but if you have any queries at all please telephone Adult Education and we will do our best to help you. For more information on vocational courses please telephone or e-mail the number / address shown against individual courses.
What happens if the course I want is full?
For Adult Education courses our policy is to accept applications on a first come, first served basis on receipt of fees. However, if a course is full a person’s name will automatically be placed on a wait list. If the wait list is sufficiently large and additional tutors and facilities are available, another course may be set up. All those on the wait list will be contacted by letter or telephone with the details. The first come, first served rule also applies here. Should a place become available on a new course, the first person on the wait list is telephoned and offered the place. Only one call will be made to each person on the list. If that person cannot be contacted the next person is telephoned. If you are offered a place you may register over the telephone using your credit card. Alternatively, we will hold the place for one working day to enable you to register and pay in person. However, after the hold expires, the first come, first served rule applies and the place may be offered to the next person on the list. Wait lists will be closed at the end of the academic year and for courses commencing in September all students will have to apply for places direct from the June prospectus.
What if my course is relocated, rescheduled or cancelled?
We make every effort to avoid doing this, but occasionally it is necessary. This is why it is vitally important for us to have your current telephone numbers in order that we can contact you as speedily as possible. If the new time slot or venue is not acceptable to you, a full refund will be issued.
Why are some courses cancelled?
A minimum enrolment number is required to recover the full costs of providing the course. If numbers of students fail to reach this minimum we reluctantly cancel it. We contact the applicants and provide a full refund, or offer a transfer to another course if a suitable one is available.
If I can no longer attend the class, can I get a refund?
Unfortunately we only offer a refund if your course has been cancelled by Highlands College. Circumstances such as illness, work commitments or leaving the island are not considered for refunds.
Can I give my place to a friend?
This is not possible due to the existence of waiting lists. Places are non-transferable to another person.
Adult Student Entitlement to Highlands College Services
Adult students of Highlands College are entitled to access the following services for the duration of the course on which they are enrolled:
• Students can use the library and IT facilities located in the Learning Resource Centre in accordance with College guidelines. To arrange an introductory session to the Centre please prior to using the facilities. For students on courses where IT is not an integral part, it will be necessary to pre-arrange access to the College IT network. This can be done at the Learning Resource Centre desk.
The Learning Resource Centre is open from 9.00am-7.30pm Monday to Thursday and 9.00am-4.30pm on Fridays but can be very busy up to 3.00pm.
To help ensure that you can access the facilities you need it is advisable to phone the Learning Resource Centre beforehand. Please ask at the desk either at the Philip Mourant Centre or at the Learning Resource Centre for a booklet detailing the services.
• Guidance on how to access LearnDirect courses is also available in the Learning Resource Centre. Learndirect has a large selection of online learning opportunities that can be used to augment the learning on your present course. Please for further information.
• Careers and progression advice is available at the Philip Mourant Centre by appointment.
Please to arrange a time.
Highlands College,
Adult Education,
Philip Mourant Centre,
Rue Asplet,
Tel: Fax: .